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making plans,
words & sounds
in Dunedin, NZ

A musician and pastor working at the intersection of creativity & spirituality, shaped by the transforming vision of Jesus. Tom’s passion is helping you discover your calling, live a faith-filled life, and go deeper in creativity.


From your face to your heart: Accepting the tense, daily invitation of Instagram to forge a deep and healthy character

In our social media-infused world, we can find ourselves always “on” and seeking digital dopamine hits. As we navigate this complex reality, focusing on healthy character development may be the key. This includes maintaining integrity in our internal and external worlds, choosing a meaningful direction in life, and cultivating the strength and beauty of our hearts. By doing so, we may be able to engage more authentically in the Age of Instagram and beyond. Discover more insights in this latest blog post.

The Possibility of God: While you’re studying, join Kanye West & consider this age-old question that is worth staking your life on

The question “What if?” opens the door to exploring the possibility of God. Pondering the existence of a loving, creative God can lead to powerful journeys of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Let’s dive into this age-old question, and consider its impact on the way we perceive life and our purpose in it.

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