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Sometimes this is a place for blog posts. You know, the way they used to be. Reflections-on-the-run. Sometimes I use this place to write longer pieces on as well. And it’s entirely likely that you will find semi-coherant journal extracts thrown in the mix. Those ones might be my favourite. Enjoy!

From your face to your heart: Accepting the tense, daily invitation of Instagram to forge a deep and healthy character

In our social media-infused world, we can find ourselves always “on” and seeking digital dopamine hits. As we navigate this complex reality, focusing on healthy character development may be the key. This includes maintaining integrity in our internal and external worlds, choosing a meaningful direction in life, and cultivating the strength and beauty of our hearts. By doing so, we may be able to engage more authentically in the Age of Instagram and beyond. Discover more insights in this latest blog post.

The Possibility of God: While you’re studying, join Kanye West & consider this age-old question that is worth staking your life on

The question “What if?” opens the door to exploring the possibility of God. Pondering the existence of a loving, creative God can lead to powerful journeys of self-discovery and spiritual growth. Let’s dive into this age-old question, and consider its impact on the way we perceive life and our purpose in it.

The blank canvas: scary thoughts on how your diminishing PCANZ church can start to open up space for a new beginning (for gentle eyes only)

When a church faces decline, it may be time to consider the blank canvas option. This approach involves acknowledging the spiritual heritage, purpose, and calling of a church, and letting go to allow for new life to emerge. By engaging in prayerful discernment and passing the baton to the next generation, a church can surrender control and put its faith in Jesus as the Lord of the church. This strategy may not be suitable for all, but for some, it could be the bold step needed to rejuvenate and revive their community of faith.

discipleship & vocation.

Explore the connection between discipleship, vocation, and spiritual growth in this unvarnished journal entry. Learn how guiding people to follow Jesus intertwines with our individual vocations and how APEST shapes our unique responses to God’s call. Discover the personal and transformative effects of embracing our roles in Christ’s ministry as we engage in disciple-making practices.

some definitions / invitation to a journey

Reflect on the concepts of discipleship, spiritual growth, leadership, and evangelism through this rough journal entry. Take a quick look at the intersections between becoming a dedicated follower of Jesus, attuning to the divine presence, and embracing the call to serve.

Five critiques of church and their resolutions

Discover how to address common critiques of the church and find resolutions in this insightful article. Explore the five critiques (form, substance, method, nurture, and usefulness) and learn how to navigate them by integrating apostolic, prophetic, evangelistic, shepherding, and teaching functions. What might a reinvigorated, Holy Spirit-driven Jesus movement for our age look like? Get a fresh vantage point on your church community and strengthen your faith through meaningful engagement with these essential principles.

5 Signs of Health in Organisational Life

Five essential signs of a thriving organization: fostering a culture of innovation, embracing critique, igniting passion, recognizing and celebrating gifts, and cultivating transformative knowledge. Have a look at how these pillars bring life and energy to organizations, churches and communities, empowering us all to make a meaningful impact and grow towards a brighter future. Dive into the conversation as we think about the journey towards healthier organizational dynamics.

Navigating the technical & the transformational

Dive into the importance of personal growth, honing your skills, and maintaining a balanced perspective in a fast-paced world. Learn how to engage in meaningful conversations that shape our future, while staying grounded and up-to-date in a constantly evolving landscape. Reflect on the challenges and rewards of striking the right balance in our lives, as we navigate between the urgent, technical questions and the transformative, deeper inquiries.

Re-learning the weave of community

As we navigate the sudden shift from in-person gatherings to online communities, explore the importance of maintaining connections and fostering relationships. Discover how “small moves” and a “start” mentality can help create a nurturing, interwoven community in the digital age.



Thanks for checking out this page + the writing, thinking & praying it represents. I hope it’s been a good ride! If you have something to say or something to ask, don’t hesitate to reach out.

In particular, I’m open to exploring possibilities like:

  • Writing collaborations
  • Speaking & preaching engagements (especially themes relating to spiritual transformation, discipleship, worship, mission, the creative life)
  • Networking with leaders, thinkers, and other like-minded individuals
  • Research connections in theology, creativity, mission, music, and worship
  • And if you simply want to say hi and connect, that’s epic, let’s go :)