“Release Plans”
I spent yester-eve with (bro) Hamish and our mix-engineer Matt Caradus making final moves on the soon-to-be released ‘Black Boy Peaches’ album.
It’s nice to be able to execute a “release plan” (lol) while actually being on deadline, unlike the last time (in the dark-ages of 2010) when we missed the Company Feel Good release-date by over a month!
Anyhow, as good as this is… I may as well say that the concept of planning is dubious, at best. The future is so unpredictably filled with twists and turns that pretending to hold the reigns is a little on the naive side. Typing up a nice looking release hit-list is comforting, sure, and it does help by giving some practical goals to hit. But it is just a one-dimensional view of what is in reality a kaleidoscopic-future, and it is guaranteed not to work as anticipated. If you’ve ever planned anything that involves other people in the slightest (i.e. almost everything ever), you’ll know what it’s like to have missed emails, inconclusive phone calls, and a lack of interest in what you are trying to achieve!
The plan looks great until on the first day when somebody says No!
So, our album release is more to do with intent than planning. Our goal is obviously to give our precious album that we have loved and laboured over as much a chance of filling the airwaves as possible; so, for what it’s worth, we will plan and do everything within our capacity to aid that. But rather than trying to force a narrow, single-lane vision of the future into existence, our release preparation will be focused on a) remaining open to possibilities, b) finding and connecting with people with whom we find resonance, and c) enjoying the mystery of life and the anticipation of new music.
Well, enough with the positive self-talk, better go and finish my release plan!
album, future, intent, music, planning, preparation, release