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Sometimes this is a place for blog posts. You know, the way they used to be. Reflections-on-the-run. Sometimes I use this place to write longer pieces on as well. And it’s entirely likely that you will find semi-coherant journal extracts thrown in the mix. Those ones might be my favourite. Enjoy!

How I’m adapting my roles

In this introspective post, explore the thoughts of a leader adapting their ministry roles during a time of crisis. Delve into three frameworks that define key responsibilities, and examine the need to nurture personal faith, communal health, and the practice of mission within the church community. As the world adjusts to new norms, discover the importance of staying connected, fostering creative collaboration, and empowering each other to serve and engage with faith in a pandemic world.

A challenge: naming the storm

It’s the 26th of March 2020. New Zealand is in Day 1 of Alert Level 4 for Covid-19. It’s a national lockdown. On the positive side of things, over the last few days my family and I have never seen so many people out walking, never connected with so many neighbours, never seen so many […]

on the move / new horizon (poem)

into the far country we travelled, driven by spirit chastened by the curling optimism of generations past but holding to the hope of a love like no other

friday (poem)

dudeit’s the morninglife is hopeyet the carnage flies /


when one is surviving barely hardly possibly only just surviving

Identity (Romans 1:1, 7)

The letter to the Romans, written by the Apostle Paul in the first century AD, is a great read filled with inspiration, challenge, and a big vision of what it means to live. I’ve started scouting through it again recently and have a loose ambition to work all the way through, from start to finish, […]

Volatile Uncertain Complex Ambiguous

The world as we know it can be understood using the acronym VUCA: volatile, uncertain, complex and ambiguous. What do each of these words demand of us? Volatility requires extra margins so that energy, time and resource don’t run out during unexpected crises. Keeping good boundaries should include the (five in this case) cornerstones of […]



Thanks for checking out this page + the writing, thinking & praying it represents. I hope it’s been a good ride! If you have something to say or something to ask, don’t hesitate to reach out.

In particular, I’m open to exploring possibilities like:

  • Writing collaborations
  • Speaking & preaching engagements (especially themes relating to spiritual transformation, discipleship, worship, mission, the creative life)
  • Networking with leaders, thinkers, and other like-minded individuals
  • Research connections in theology, creativity, mission, music, and worship
  • And if you simply want to say hi and connect, that’s epic, let’s go :)